Self-Publishing and ...
A self-publishing article by Thomas Nixon
I have been giving more than a little thought, as of late to the concept of:
Self-Publishing and ...
By that I mean how you can actually make a living. For those who believe that they can make a living solely off the profits from one self-published book, I am curious as to the weather on your planet. As I see it, you have several options:
1. Publish multiple, branded books that feed into each other.
2. Publish multiple books (but likely will need to be more than in 1).
3. Publishing and... (where "and" is all sorts or related ventures).
Successful people in this business do more than one thing. I am not quite to the point where I am what I would call successful, but this is what I do:
1. Publish books and other things (2 books out in 2009).
2. Manage a successful website (about online high schools) with Google Ads & Featured Ads.
3. Use Google Adsense program.
4. Use other affiliate programs (including Amazon Associates).
5. Write articles.
I know that there are people who can knock out a book every few months and that works out well for them. It doesn't for me, so I need to have multiple passive revenue streams. I think most people need to have some things going on that relate to their books, that support their books, but that also bring in money.
Here's my reality: I make more money from that website than I do from publishing alone. In other words, the combination of books sold on that website and Google Adsense and Featured ads is more than just books alone.
And I am okay with that.
I do know that there are some people who want to solely be book publishers. I think the model is shifting and, looking at the economy, shifting in such a way that you want to get out in front.
[via Small Press Blog]